For the first time ever in Malta, Mr Patrick Decelis – College Principal of Maria Regina College in Zokrija Mosta opened the gates to train teachers and Educational Staff members in the Wei Ling Yi Educational System which works in conjunction with and is complimentary to the local educational system.

Following the first successful YEP (YiXue Educational Programme), a seminar for teachers/LSA’s held in July 2017 at Maria Regina College, the YiXue Life Cultivation Malta Association, is currently working on an official proposal together with the Ministry of Education , YiXue Nossen, Germany and the YEP Educational Research Project to be conducted in the coming 2 years.

This is a new research training programme by education expert Wei Ling Yi for teachers and pupils with the aim of assisting teachers to view each child holistically focusing on good health as the foundation of all progress.

It will also assist teachers identify the various causes of hyperactivity, lack of concentration, poor memory, lack of interest and students with high intelligence.

They will understand how to serve as role models in influencing the class with their posture, composure, verbal and non-verbal (attitude) language. Emphasis is given in including family members in the YEP practice as parents are the educators at home and in society.

Finally this methodology aims at helping schools to understand that the development of intelligence is the nucleus of this further education keeping the child as the main focus.


The participants who attended this introductory course got to experience the flow of the Qi and understood the philosophy behind this methodology to support the children and themselves as pedagogues.

The emphasis was on self-regulation, and on one’s own well-being to overcome stress, experience more joy and strength for the profession, be more in balance. This will assist teachers to improve their performance and it will empower children to reach higher levels.

The research arising from this project will eventually assess the progress of the teachers, the children and the school environment.

YEP Training For Pedagogues