Dear YiXue friends, dear Interested People,

for the first time since Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi started organizing the highest spiritual festival of the YiXue – the Lotus Festival – we cannot celebrate together in one place. But as the last weeks and months have shown, the connection with Wei Ling Yi and with each other in the ONLINE community is very intense, powerful, and effective. So, this year we will experience the Lotus Festival together online for the first time. And to our great joy, all Lotus Friends worldwide will be able to attend Wei Ling Yi’s lectures and the special Lotus Night ceremony. This is also a premiere.

Together we will build up a large, light-filled Lotus energy field with the cosmic primordial power – the Yi Qi – and the energy of Wei Ling Yi. The climax of the three-day Lotus Festival is the high energy transmission of Wei Ling Yi on the Lotus Night, which we celebrate this year from December 25th to 26th; a great heavenly gift to receive our own Lotus – our own highest energy.


For more information and to register, please  CLICK HERE

Lotus Festival